About the Essences
All the essences are made in and around my garden in Devon and hand made with love and care in small quantities to order.
Currently I produce 5 sets of essences, each with a different emphasis.
Cottage Garden Essences
Set of 8 flower/ environment essences for support
Re-Balance Essences
Set of 10 Channelled energy essences linked to Celtic traditions to reconnect and re-
True Self Essences
6 flower and crystal essences for growth
All the flowers in these essences were in the garden at unexpected times of the year.
Dragon Essences
Golden Dragon Essences
A set of Essences with channelled Golden Dragon Energy to protect and support us to make the changes we need.
Rainbow –
Fire –
Snow –
Hope –
Time Shift –
Storm – clears and strengthens
Wisdom – access through stillness to accumulated wisdom
Set of 7 £52 postage & packing £4
Ebony Dragon Essences
Truth –
Mirror –
Peace –
Transformation –
Set of 4 – £30 postage & packing £4
Sapphire Dragon Hidden Depths
Brings healing at a deep level. Encouraging and supporting us as we go within to confront our fears and find a more profound level of seeing and understanding.
Dragons Merge
Supports us in our work to change what needs to be changed within ourselves so that we can bring creative ideas into reality for the greater good and allow the effect to ripple outwards to have a much wider impact.
Keeper of the Seas
Reminds the water in our body of its perfect nature. Clears ‘stuff’ almost instantaneously leaving the mind clear and focussed. It can be very gentle but does what is needed by each individual.
Subtle Body Essences
These may be used individually or as a sequence
1. Ginger Etheric Body
The energetic blueprint for our physical body. Imbalances and weaknesses here can eventually manifest on the physical. Helps to repair damage to and realign this body and so promotes balance and stability within the physical.
2. Black Pepper Emotional Body
Holds our emotional and psychological stability and sensitivity to those around us. Emotions affect the physical body chemistry and quality of life energy available to us. Brings us back to the centre point of balance between extremes so preventing the emotions from getting stuck at an inappropriate point that can affect the body as a whole.
3. Cayenne Pepper Mental Body
Records, categorises and files our emotional responses. Helps us to redefine core beliefs which we have held from early life, which may no longer be true for us. Relaxation at many levels helps us to find tolerance, flexibility and positivity.
4. Star Anise Astral Body
Allows us to recognise ourselves as unique beings located in time and space. Rebalances this body, so that we remain aware of physical reality, but are also able to integrate useful information on other dimensions. Helps when we feel isolated or lacking direction.
5. Cloves Causal Body
Links us to the collective unconscious, patterning the experiences and lessons we have chosen to learn in life. Rebalances this body by helping us to integrate our experiences and restructure for change.
6. Turmeric Soul or Celestial Body
Focuses fine levels of universal energy. Related to ‘Higher Self’. Helps us to maintain an awareness of who we are, connecting Physical and Spiritual so that we maintain our ‘wholeness’ and are comfortable in our own skin.
Combination Essences
STRESS can come from many sources and affect us in different ways.
Essences can help but it’s not always easy to find the right one. Often we think we need them all.
Here are 5 combinations that can help. Which one is right for you?
Spring Into Action
for lack of ‘oomph’ ; no ‘get up and go’
Snowdrop allays fears; Focus helps discard old habits; Dragons Merge to bring creative ideas into reality; Transformation allows the old to fall away to make room for the new; Gaia grounds and supports integration of all aspects of personality.
Clear the Fog
hard to think clearly; brain feels stodgy
Perspective helps see challenges from a different angle; Dana helps understand what is of positive use; Storm highlights weaknesses that need to be strengthened; Release helps us access the power within; Cayenne pepper clears and balances the mental body to help us let go of core beliefs that are no longer relevant.
Testing Times
exams, house move, new job
Fear Less helps recognise which fears keep us safe and which are groundless and keep us trapped; Wisdom helps us access our accumulated knowledge; Clarity helps clear what blocks the way forward reconnecting thoughts to reality; Creativity helps synthesise ideas so we can connect to higher energy.
Move forward
feeling stuck in the same old routine
Star anise helps when we lack direction by balancing the astral body; Transformation allows the old to fall away to make space for the new; Storm highlights and strengthens what is weak and clears what is no longer of use; New Beginnings loosens self-defined boundaries and fear of rejection; Brigid clears anger, sadness and fear of being powerful, helping us to find our true purpose.
Pick Me Up
low mood, lack of joy in life
Mahonia restores balance; Primrose lifts spirits; Lugh helps us see things differently and explore other options; Acceptance lets us breathe out, step into calm, let things be and be true to ourselves; Truth clears what is stuck on an emotional level in lower Earth energy;
Keeper of the Seas clears quickly, reminding the water in our body of it’s perfect state; Black Pepper balances the emotional body so preventing us from getting stuck at emotional extremes.
How Essences Help
I see clients with a wide range of problems. Some seek support during and after conventional treatment for major illness, others at times of emotional challenge such as partnership break-
They can be of significant help to young people facing stressful situations such as starting a new school or taking exams.
Single bottles
£7.50 + £4 post and packing (current rates) Up to 7 bottles
Rebalance (10 essences) – £70
Cottage Garden (8 essences) – £56
True Self (6 essences) – £42
All sets are free post and packing.
Can’t find what you’re looking for?
Call us to discuss your requirements and we can advise you of the most suitable options.
Telephone consultations are available if you need a personal combination of essences from the wide range that I use.
These will be supplied in a dosage bottle. Cost £30 to include essence combination and postage.
All essences are sold at stock dilution
Please order by post, email or phone.
Payment by cheque payable to Karen Reid or BACS transfer –
For consultations call:
01395 269323
Rainbow’s End,
Church Path,
EX8 5HJ.
Tel: 01395 269323
British Flower and Vibrational Essence Association www.bfvea.com
British Association of Essence Producers www.bafep.com
Flower Essence Therapy
Hand Made in Devon, England
Holistic Flower Remedy Healing
Qualified Practitioner Karen Reid